Nike ads

Here are a few older pieces I thought I'd share with you guys.
These were part of the project to advertise the same Nike product throughout the entire semester.
I chose to do Women's snowboarding boots.  There were a couple reasons for this, mostly because I find that women snowboarders would be a fun target audience.  I like the mindset of snowboarders; they're carefree and adventurous, risk takers.

This was for a magazine ad. I wanted to get a really big, fun feeling for this campaign, so it's basically evil robots that apparently have reasons to hate our heroine here.  But, thanks to these rad new boots, she should have no problem kicking mechanical tail.
 My friend, Liz, was kind enough to pose for me.  (Also, you can check her awesome art out at her website,!
After scanning in the drawing, I painted over it in Photoshop. 
 I used the same process for the next one.

This was a billboard ad design.  Just another drawing of nonsensical (robot) violence.  From what I know about snowboarders, they like this sort of thing.  Source: I'm a snowboarder, and I like this sort of thing.  I'm pretty sure it's universal.