The Pig Devil made me do it

I am still alive, you guys! Sorry for the long radio silence, school is crazy right now.  I actually have a bunch of other stuff I can post up from other classes, but I'll probably end up just posting them all after school is done (which is in like, a month!)
Anyways, we were given an assignment in Subversive Illustration, and that was to do an illustration for a short story. The story, in summation, is about a man with an intestinal disease getting his digestive system replaced with a pig's.  It works perfectly, but effects his appetite.  He now eats garbage and pretty much anything he can get his hands on.  The government sees an opportunity in this and starts doing this procedure on homeless people, hoping to take care of hunger and garbage problems at the same time.  They started eating other people, and the government locked them up until they eventually ate each other until there was only one man left.  He ate his own limbs and then died.
tl;dr: A man gets pigs guts and ends up eating people.

small thumbnail sketch.  I did five or six of these, and I landed on this one.  This is scanned directly in from my sketchbook.  The red pencil is Prismacolor Col-erase pencils.  I always use these as a rough first layer, and then a tighter graphite drawing over top.  It's a lot easier to tell these layers apart and have revolutionized my drawings!

 I threw some color on top of the sketch.  I had decided pretty early on that I wanted to attempt this one in gouache (it's kind of like watercolor paint, but thicker and more opaque).  I wanted to get a good idea of what colors I wanted before diving in with the paint.  You always need a plan!
This is the scan of the gouache painting.  I drew this freehand, based off of another sketch I did (I didn't scan that one, and I'm too lazy to do it now. It looks closer to the final painting than the first sketch did)
Naturally, I screwed something up painting it, so I did some editing to the color in photoshop, moved some stuff around a tad, etc.  There's always something that needs doing.
And here it is as it would appear in a magazine had it been published! Hooray!

That's it for now.  Feel free to message me or ask me questions or whatever. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!